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CoreLogic’s Perth Housing Market Update for July
Perth’s growth rate has slowed in June to .4%. With average sale time remaining low, and low stock levels continuing, Perth looks to be insulated…
Read MoreInterstate migration up as Australians take advantage of WA’s affordable housing
Western Australia’s housing affordability is the golden child of the country at the moment. The only state in the country where housing affordability has increased…
Read MorePeople have left Sydney and Melbourne in droves. Here’s where they headed.
The big question on everyone’s mind is how the interest rate increases are going to effect the real estate market in Perth…
Read MoreOutright home ownership falls over 25 years: ABS
We’ve got the latest census data from the ABS and it is a treasure trove of information on real estate trends through Australia. The highlight…
Read MoreHow are open borders affecting the WA property market?
When you combine some of the highest migration and lowest prices in the country it makes for a strong real estate market. That’s exactly where…
Read MoreCoreLogic’s June Perth Housing Market Video update
Perth was the only capital city other than Adelaide where the growth trend lifted in May. Being the most affordable capital city, having an extremely…
Read MoreHolistic solution needed for housing challenges as interest rates rise
The latest interest rate increase will hit the Eastern States more than Perth. Full details from REIWA on how it will impact the country, and…
Read MoreWhat a Labor Government means Real Estate
Thorough breakdown from CoreLogic of how the new Labor Government’s policies will impact the Real Estate market…
Read MoreInterest rate rises unlikely to dampen demand for property in WA
Interest rate rises are expected to be nothing more than a speed bump for Perth’s strong Real Estate market, full details from REIWA…
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